برنامج لحماية لفلاش ميمورى من التلف و الفيروسات USB Disk Security
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موضوع: برنامج لحماية لفلاش ميمورى من التلف و الفيروسات USB Disk Security الخميس مارس 12, 2009 11:41 pm
USB Disk Security
وصف البرنامج::
ان برنامج USB Disk Security يعمل على حماية الفلاش ميمورى USB ضد التهديدات او الاخطار التى قد تصيبه و ان اغلبية المنتجات الاخرى عاجزة حتى عن توفير 90 * من الحماية يقوم البرنامج بفحص الفلاش ديسك من الاخطاء و يقوم بتصليحها و حمايتها البرنامج لا يحتاج ان تكون متصل بالانترنت لتحديث الـ Threats الخاصة به
وصف البرنامج من مصنعه:::
USB Disk Security provides 100* protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90* protection. USB Disk Security is the best antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer. This light and easy to use solution is 100* compatible with all software and doesn't slow down your computer at all. You pay USB Disk Security once and *** it all, however, other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year.
Product Highlights:
100* protection against any malicious programs via USB storage
USB Disk Security uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100* protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90* protection. USB Disk Security is the world's best software to block threats via USB drive